"Every noble life leaves its fiber interwoven forever
in the work of the world" (Ruskin). We all know that certain person who
has enriched our lives beyond any human measurement; that extraordinary person
who has elevated our existence into his or her serene sphere and inspired us to
be and to do our best. Years later, when confronted with a crisis, we think of
the person and the trustworthy advice given in love, and it enables us to go
on. If we are so fortunate to have been granted such a gift, let us thank God
every day for that person. My extraordinary person was a teacher.
Nobility is all about making the abrasions of life into
sterling metal. "Noble metal" is a metal made of chemical elements
that have outstanding resistance to oxidation, even at high temperatures.
Noble souls, though dust and heat,
Rise from disaster and defeat
The stronger;
And conscious still of the divine
Within them, lie on earth supine
No longer.
True nobility presupposes riches of everlasting quality such
as virtue, tolerance, high standards and motivations, integrity, generosity,
and graciousness. "But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble
and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a
crop" (Luke 8:15).
"My heart is stirred by a noble theme..." (Psalm
45:1). What more noble theme can we have than Christ? We become what we behold
and, by beholding Christ, we become gracious and lovely and noble, fit for
earth and purified for heaven.
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