Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gems #2

From 1919:

Lest we think the folks didn’t know about tobacco years ago: "Tobacco injures heart, nerves, stomach and eyesight. Tobacco ruins the sexual system and causes cancer of lip, tongue and throat. Any form of tobacco habit may be easily, inexpensively overcome with nature's antidote, a pleasant Florida root I accidentally discovered. It's fine for indigestion, too" (C.P. Stokes, 1919).

"I would give nothing for that man's religion whose very dog and cat are not the better for it." Rowland Hill.

"It is worth a thousand pounds a year to have the habit of looking on the bright side of things." Samuel Johnson.

"We sleep, but the loom of life never stops; and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up tomorrow." Henry Ward Beecher.


1. The delusion that individual advancement is made by crushing others down.

2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected.

3. Insisting that a thing is impossible because we ourselves cannot accomplish it.

4. Attempting to compel other person to believe and live as we do.

5. Neglect in developing and refining the mind by not acquiring the habit of reading fine literature.

6. Refusing to set aside trivial preferences, in order that important things may be accomplished.

7. The failure to establish the habit of saving money. Anonymous.

"A man who is turning out careless, imperfect work, is turning out a careless, imperfect character for himself. He is touching deceit every moment; and this unseen thing rises up from his work like a subtle essence, and enters and poisons his soul.” Henry Drummond.

"A man whose intellect has been educated, while at the same time his moral education has been neglected, is only the more dangerous to the community because of the exceptional power which he has acquired." Theodore Roosevelt.

"The little I have seen of the world, and know of the history of mankind, teaches me to look upon the errors of others in sorrow, not in anger. I fain leave the erring soul of my fellowman with Him from whose hands it came." Longfellow.


1. Do you "make time" to play with your children, and teach them to play alone?

2. Do you read and tell stories to them?

3. Do you know what they study in school?

4. Do you use the public library so as to more wisely train your children?

5. Have you good books and magazines in your home?

6. Do you frequently visit your children's school?

7. Do you welcome their teachers in your home?

8. Do you heartily encourage worthy ambitions?

9. Do you develop self-reliance in your children by trusting them to do right?

10. Do you give them opportunity for self-development?

11. Do you teach your children the value of money by giving them a chance to make and spend their own?

12. Do you teach housekeeping to your daughter, and do you teach your son the dignity of honest toil?

13. Do you tell the story of life to your children?

14. Do you pray for divine help in training them?

15. Do you try to help other parents?

Parents should not make decisions for their boys and girls. Teach them to decide wisely for themselves. Parents are not to say, "I will conquer that child whatever it may cost me," but rather, "I will help him to conquer himself, whatever it may cost him." Lean to use your will power as you learn to swim by using it. Child Welfare Magazine.

"Our danger is that we shall substitute the consciences of others for our own. All virtue lies in individual action, in inward energy, in self determination. There is no moral worth in being swept away by a crowd, even toward the best of objects. Nothing morally great or good springs from imitation." Channing.

"I was ever more disposed to see the favorable than the unfavorable side of things, a turn of mind which is more happy to possess than to be born to an estate of 10,000 a year." David Hume.

"Every common day he who would be a live child of God has to fight the God-denying look of things, to believe that, in spite of their look, they are God's and God is in them, and working His saving will in them." George Macdonald.

"Christianity wants nothing so much in the world as sunny people; and the old are hungrier for love than for bread; and the oil of joy is very cheap; and if you can help the poor on with a garment of praise, it will be better for them then blankets." Henry Drummond.

Addison says: "What an absurd thing it is to pass over all the valuable parts of a man and fix our attention on his infirmities." But that seems to be the habit. About the first thing we try to find in a man are his faults. They are apt to transcend his virtues, even if the virtues are mountain high. It is a deplorable habit; for it not only does great injustice to the person criticized, but it hurts the critic himself. It lowers his views of life and confirms the habit of seeing the worst side of human experience and losing sight of the bright side. No man can be a moral man or a religious man of any faith, who is constantly searching for the faults of people. The first duty a man owes to his neighbor is to look for the bright side, and he will then find in most cases, that the dark side is much smaller than he suspected. The thing to attack is sin, for we will discover that is greater than the man who is guilty of it. Ohio State Journal.

"Put a seal upon your lips, and forget what you have done. After you have been kind, after love has stolen forth into the world and done its beautiful work, go back into the shade again and say nothing about it. Love hides even from itself." Prof. Drummond.

"The rewards of great living are not external things, withheld until the crowning hour of success arrives; they come by the way in the consciousness of growing power and worth, of duties nobly met and work thoroughly done." H.W. Mabie.

"There is no finer chemistry than that by which the element of suffering is so compounded with spiritual forces that it issues to the world as gentleness and strength." G.S. Merriam.

"We came into the world with clenched fists holding the world tightly. We pass out of it with hands released and let loose of it." Selected.

"Every human being is intended to have a character of his own to be what no other is, to do what no other can." Channing.

"You will notice that in the placid waters of a lake everything which is highest in reality is lowest in reflection. The higher the trees, the lower their image. This is the picture of the world; what is highest in this world is lowest in the other, and what is highest in that world is lowest in this. Gold is on top here; they pave the streets with it there. To serve is looked upon as ignoble here; there those that serve reign, and the last are first." F.B. Meyer.

"We are never to seek tasks according to our strength, but strength according to our tasks." Phillips Brooks.

"The thing to value is not achievement, but fidelity. It is not what we accomplish, but the way we accomplish it. It is our ideals, our principles. It is not success that God looks at, but the struggle." J.I. Vance.

"It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of the great whole of life dawns upon you." Phillips Brooks.

*"There is a sweet pleasure in bending to circumstances while superior to them." Mary Emerson Moody.

"No matter what business the Christian is engaged in, he should make it the Lord's business." Anonymous.

"You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb a little himself." Mr. Carnegie.

"Faith knows that whenever she gets a black envelope from the heavenly post office, there is a treasure in it." Spurgeon.

"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done." Longfellow.

"We can have the highest happiness only by having wide thoughts and much feeling for the rest of the world as well as for ourselves." George Eliot.

"Put a seal upon your lips, and forget what you have done. After you have been kind, after love has stolen forth into the world and done its beautiful work, go back into the shade again and say nothing about it. Love hides even from itself." Prof. Drummond.

"The rewards of great living are not external things, withheld until the crowning hour of success arrives; they come by the way in the consciousness of growing power and worth, of duties nobly met and work thoroughly done." H.W. Mabie.

"He that sits nearest the dust sits nearest heaven." Andrew Grey.

"We do not get rest by endeavoring to get to the top. Rest is at the bottom. Water rests when it reaches the lowest place. Mary found it at the feet of Jesus, and John found it on His bosom." Selected.

"The poorest man I know has nothing but money, nothing else in the world upon which to devote his ambition and thought. That is the sort of man I consider the poorest in the world." John D. Rockefeller.

“For all men, small as well as great, even for those who have succeeded, and conquered apparently all honors, it is true that the best is yet to be. Heroic Paul, earth's most intrepid and earth's sublimest spirit, standing forth in old age, with a thousand victories behind him, knew that he had not yet attained. No matter what your success, I appeal from the seed of the coming sheaf, from the acorn to the coming oak, from this little spring to the future river, from your ignorance to wisdom, from your fragmentary tool or law or custom to perfect virtue, from the broken arc to the full circle, from the white cloud to the stars that are above the clouds. Because life is in a series of ascending climaxes, and because it waxes ever richer and richer, for every man, whether young or old, it is better farther on, and the best is yet to be.” Newell Dwight Hillis.

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